Mogadishu University Journal Review Policy


Eligibility for a reviewer of Mogadishu university journal is an expert person, in particular scientific field of interest of MU journal, working in an academic / research institution, or as an individual researcher, who accepts MUJ standards, instructions for reviewers and publication ethics and capable of speaking English fluently for English articles and Arabic language for Arabic articles; both languages are main languages of MUJ publication articles.

Publication Criteria

Articles should represent a considerable advance in the specific field with in the scope of the MU journal in terms of:

  • Novelty (in empirical or theoretical sense);
  • Interest of readers and researchers.
  • Contemporary life and current issues

Peer Review Process

  • When MU journal receives the article, a confirmation E-mail willbesent to the author.
  • All articles will be checked for plagiarism before being sent to the reviewers and peer-reviewed by two reviewers.The reviewers will not know author details and will themselves remain unidentified to the author.
  • Within four weeks after the submission, the author will receive an E-mail notification whether the article has been accepted or rejected.

Types of DecisionsPossible:

  1. Accepting the article as submitted;
  2. Accepting it with minor revision;
  3. Accepting it with major revision; and
  4. Rejecting the article because it does not fit the journal criteria.