Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission’s compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

The paper is original, not previously published in any other journal

The paper complies with scientific methodology

The paper is submitted in Wordin line with the layout in the templates with is currently, single-column format

The language used must be sound and clear

The research should be well-documented in terms of writing style The list of references must be arranged alphabetically

Each paper should be accompanied by an abstract and a summary of the biography of the authors

Author affiliation should be stated because the affiliation should reflect where the work was done

Co-authors should agree to submission of the paper and to the order of names and affiliations for each author

The authors should follow the general guideline for wring articles illustrated below:

Article title: Times New Roman; 14 pt; bold, and should be 18 words maximum

Author name and title: Times New Roman; bold; 14 pt; single-line spacing; alignment centered

Affiliation and E-mail address: Times New Roman; italic; 12pt; single-line spacing; alignment centered

Abstract and keywords: Between 150 and 250 words (5-7 keywords); Times New Roman; 12 pt; single- line spacing; justify

Article text: Times New Roman; 12 pt; justify; 1.5 line spacing; margins: Top: 2,5 cm; Bottom: 2,5 cm; Left: 3 cm; Right: 3 cm. The scope of submitted text should between 4000-8000 words including references. Latin phrases should be set in italics

Quotations: If they are brief (3 lines or less), quotations should be run on with the text. Longer quotations should be indented, without quotation marks. All indented quotations should be typed single-spaced

Citation style: The author should follow APA style (American Psychology Association)

Headings and subheadings: should be Times New Roman; 12 pt; bold

Table: Times New Roman; bold; size 10; align heading centered; single line spacing. Tables must be created in Word, not Excel. Table heading is located above the table

Figures: Times New Roman; bold; size 10; alignment centered; single line spacing. Figure heading is positioned under the figure